E to B oxxtorial

4. VADEMECUM vehicles for the practical E to B


If towing vehicles authorized vehicles:

1. on four wheels, not equipped to carry more than eight persons, including the driver did not understand, whose permissible maximum mass exceeds 1,750 kg but not exceeding 3,500 kg; (Note: The vehicle must be technically suitable to propel the actual mass of the trailer membered mass + cargo).

2. provided with at least two normal seats. As of January 1, 2006 are permitted only vehicles that are equipped with at least four normal seats, namely two front and two vehicle immediately behind. The rear seats must be reachable from at least one door on the side of the vehicle. There may be doubt as to the question of whether there is 'normal' seats. On request, the Commission Entrance Exam vehicles to assess the suitability for the practical. A vehicle that does not meet the above requirement, but that according to Part II or Part IB name has been advised of the registration certificate prior to January 1, 2006 of the driving school who wish to take a driving test with the vehicle concerned, and which vehicle before this date already was in use as a towing vehicle at this school, can continue to be used for this purpose until 1 January 2016;

3. equipped with proper ventilation so that the misting while driving as much as possible;

4. that next to the mirror (s) for the actual driver, have two or more mirrors, which the supervisor can see the right and left and behind him situated segment. The mirrors must meet the requirements in this regard in the Vehicle Regulations and must be adjusted so that the examiner on the left side of the vehicle the top and on the right side of the vehicle, the lower mirror at his disposal;

5. provide a valid Dutch license, not being a trader or factory registration;

6. equipped with pedals with rubber cuffs applied to almost the same height above the floor and almost the same distance to the bulkhead as the pedals of the actual driver and the examiner that the brake and clutch from his seat can operate effectively. Even existing accelerator to the 'dual control' should be removed or folded up for the start of the examination. Is it right clutch pedal along with the operation of the left clutch pedal, in no case can the foot of the examiner compromised. Besides the pedals must ample foot space to be present;

7. whose construction and / or arrangement is such that the vehicle lends itself to passing a driving test.
But this is not the case with vehicles without windshield and open cars, nor if besides the actual driver (the candidate) the seating space is insufficient for the legal director (the examiner);

8. whose condition is such that it does not endanger the drive and stay in it can be considered acceptable. Not acceptable, for example, a dirty interior, not or malfunctioning heating (in winter) and fuel or exhaust fumes penetrate into the interior;

9. where no parts or equipment which are not part of the standard equipment unless:
a. (sharp) projections are entirely missing,
b. the examiner in no way hindered by this equipment or components in its movement. The above is also applicable to the double operation;

10. which are provided with the prescribed L-plate. For towing motor vehicles for the practice exam E behind B the same requirements as for ordinary passenger cars.
For towing vehicles of category B with a height greater than 1.60 meters, it is permitted to make the L-plate vertically and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the motor vehicle;

11. not equipped with political, religious and / or offensive markings;

12. which any roof (advertising) signs are attached so that they are not in the (row) wind or otherwise come loose.
For towing vehicles for the practical class E behind B apply with regard to the confirmation of the L-plate the same requirements as for ordinary passenger cars;

13. wherein dashboard-shelves can not hinder the examiner in the use of the dual control and the latter remains well visible;

14. not equipped with audio and / or video recording equipment

15. which no wheel with a 'spare wheel' is mounted. If during the exam such emergency tire to be mounted, the exam can be broken down and low speed to place the call to be driven back;

In the cabin must be clearly visible on the examiner read the following information is included:

  • the total weight of the motor vehicle and the trailer

  • the length of the motor vehicle and the trailer

  • the width of the motor vehicle and the trailer

  • the height of the motor vehicle and the trailer

  • the maximum axle load of the motor vehicle and trailer
    If the exam is taken by a motor vehicle with an automatic transmission or clutch, the vehicle must be

    equipped with a circuit breaker as defined in paragraph 3.

    Admission dakborden / L-plates

    The Commission Entrance Exam Vehicles assesses dakborden / L-plates on their reliability and above all safety. As a rule, the suppliers are well aware of the requirements for these products. The materials supplied by them also fulfill the criteria. In case there is any doubt on the soundness of a dakbord that appears on the market, the commission will investigate. The committee's decision is published in the Reflector.

    Admitted trailers:

    1. are two-axis, with a wheelbase of at least 3 m and a total length of at least 6 meters;

  • 2. which are provided with a tandem and in the middle of the trailer, and with a total length of at least 6 meters;

  • 3. maximum permissible mass exceeding 1750 kg;
    4. equipped with an opaque closed box-shaped structure or hood (no container);

  • 5. whose structure or canopy almost the length and breadth of the platform and the minimum height and width of the towing vehicle. For trailers in use after October 1, 2004 also apply to the following requirements: the length of the box-shaped structure is at least 4.50 meters; the rear of the trailer coincides substantially with the rear side of the box-shaped structure; a trailer attached to the footboard with no more than 20 inches behind the back of the box-shaped structure.

  • 6. that at least 50 percent of the payload are loaded;
    7. whose load meets the statutory provisions;
    8. whose load is secured properly put. The load may not protrude from the rear and the side and should be simple. In any case, these are not expensive, flammable or fragile. The load may comprise one or more containers. If the liquid containers are concerned, they may only be filled with water. These containers must be completely filled, while the control of the liquid level should be possible by means of a screw cap on the container or by means of a level glass.

  • 9. provide a valid Dutch license, not being a trader or factory registration;
    10. which are provided with the prescribed L-plate, arranged on the rear side, in a vertical position and at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the trailer, at a height of at least 1.60 meters above the road surface and not behind a pane of glass;
    11. not equipped with political, religious and / or offensive markings;
    12. fitted with tires without flaws. The tires must be provided over the entire surface of the profile of at least 1.6 mm depth.

    Minimum field of view in the mirrors of the exam combination E to B

    As of January 1, 2005 the requirement to the examiner at a distance of 14 meters, measured from the exterior, a 4 meter wide strip of the road right next to the combination of the right mirror need to see. From the left mirror, the width of this strip of 2.50 meters, also at a distance of 14 meters.